Congrats and stuff
This is the all-time top scoring now? Congratulations!
It's funny when the girl is sad, but happiness arrives with the gain of a level for her tentacool.
Congrats and stuff
This is the all-time top scoring now? Congratulations!
It's funny when the girl is sad, but happiness arrives with the gain of a level for her tentacool.
Bitey got Karma'd for being a douche. Well played, very well played. And the deleted scene is very... scenic...
Really deep, mildly touching and a great prelude to every Bitey cartoon around.
Nothing really happened in this one, but it was the first and seeing the fart blob all bruised up was heart breaking. Definitely good.
Short, but it was probably meant to be. His indifferent reaction to the deranged happenings is comical but cliche, so i'm only giving it a second, art quality included.
Brain Damage?
The art in these animations is totally amazing, each frame would fit in the art portal.
Good choice of music, though in the description, you kinda said that the music chose the concept for you :P
The art is phenomenal. Maybe you could have used a few more frames between heavy movement scenes, but it's a small problem and i get definitely let it slide when the video looks and sounds this good!
Have a good day at work dad?
I like the part where he douses the fire on his head with a cat.
Anyway, classic.
Sick Battle.
You should have given the white dragon blue eyes, 4 teh lulzys
Good voice acting, art and story... but the whole thing is very drawn out and cliche.
peepee haha
Joined on 9/12/10