I laughed when johnny raged, and then even harder when the whole spoon thing came into scope.
I laughed when johnny raged, and then even harder when the whole spoon thing came into scope.
I had next to no fun playing this. It was challenging (maybe too so), but it still doesn't look very good, nor does it play very well.
I play this every time i come on newgrounds, and will until i have every medal.
One of the best DemonStar spin-offs I've ever seen. Make MOAR!
It's like a worse version of mr agnry faic 4, which is also bad.
There are way too many of these games on the web. Make this one more original.
The lack of a sound track and the repetition makes this game very un-enjoyable, but the upgrade system is cool, so 7/10.
I feel that improved art might take away from it, so i won't get mad about that.
Loving this
Catchy sound, good upgrade system, no unbalances, no glitches that i can see...
An all around great game.
A fun little game with an interesting sound track. I look forward to playing it when it has medals.
Anyway, I liked it.
It's a game, i'll give it that.
But it's a bad one, with no music, no pre-loader, no story, boring controls and a lazy town theme.
English is obviously not your first language, so i can forgive the typos and bad grammar. But this game in itself is hard to follow, the menu is drab, the sounds have a huge delay, the bombs don't slowly defuse before they go off, etc.
I have a lot of problems with this.
Boring, Lazy, Easy
There is a certain standard for games on newgrounds that this game does not meet. It only has 1 level, the differences are obvious (and some aren't even on the squirrel) and those are only 2 reasons why i'm giving this game a 1.
peepee haha
Joined on 9/12/10