Too Short
You could have done so much more with this if you wrote more lyrics.
Too Short
You could have done so much more with this if you wrote more lyrics.
No U
Why is this the top rated ever? Repetitive, grinding, annoying...
This song does not deserve it's position.
No melody at all. Really lame. This is a loop, not a song.
I only give something a ten if it's truly perfect. Congratulations on getting in castle crashers.
P.S: Somebody stole this song, you should complain.
"Somebody"? That's amazingly helpful, man. If you are talking about Cogglesz that was years ago.
Doesn't it hurt to have a 9.9? To know that just a few (maybe 6 or 7) mean, heartles people gave this a 9?
No, i kid the heartless. But seriously, this is some sweet tunes right here.
Damn my reserve. I can't not give you tens :(
You've turned me in to an Audio Portal junkie...
One of the greatest things on newgrounds easily. Brilliant tone. It makes me want to go kill Frost Atronachs.
This song is so anti-climactic that i'm leaving early. There's no jump at all, it doesn't get me pumped. Now i wanna go to sleep.
Insert ascii thumb here
Castle Crashers. 'nuff said.
Or not. Very instrumental, i like the tone a lot.
As far as songs go, this is balls, with extra bleccgh. I can't evem understand one line, and the song in general is annoying.
Great track, but i can't in good conscience give it a ten knowing that it is an uncredited remake of Top gear. You make it sound like it's 100% yours in the description.
peepee haha
Joined on 9/12/10